Marijuana isn’t viewed as harshly as other drugs in the state of Texas hence why marijuana possession can sometimes be served as a misdemeanor. This doesn’t mean the state takes marijuana related drug charges as a joke. The penalties and fines can be severe depending on the type of case and the amount of pot that is involved. Criminal charges pertaining to larger quantities of weed will result in severe penalties for the possessing party.
All charges can also result in jail time; Mike Warner can help you determine the best course to take for your current situation. Marijuana possession in the state of Texas applies to the manufactured plant, seeds and plants in ground or being prepared for distribution. A joint, bag or shredded buds of the Marijuana plant are all examples of illegal substances in the state of Texas.
Marijuana charges in the state of Texas can also result in a suspended license for up to 6 months.
With the right representation like Mike Warner, first time offenders can more likely than not get a charge of possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana dismissed in a court of law in exchange for attending a drug treatment program.
These programs are also known as diversion programs and are meant to leave harsh penalties for defendants that pose a very serious threat to the general population.
Drug courts are another option for defendants facing marijuana charges and for most people the main goal will be to avoid any permanent charge on their criminal record.
Please contact Mike today to find out what you’re current situation is and what type of options you have for avoiding the worst punishments for your marijuana related crime.
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